> economics >


Refereed journal articles
  1. Strategic Corporate Purpose (with Rui Albuquerque), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy (2024)
  2. Bundling Sequentially Released Durable Goods (with Gabriel Natividad), Journal of Industrial Economics 70 (2022), 347-370
  3. Merger Policy in Digital Industries, Information Economics and Policy 54 (2021), 100866 (special issue on the digital economy, edited by Y Spiegel and J Waldfogel)
  4. Are Inventors or Firms the Engines of Innovation? (with Ajay Bhaskarabhatla, Deepak Hegde, Thomas Peeters), Management Science 67 (2021), 3899-3920
  5. Seller reputation and price gouging: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic (with Lei Xu), Economic Inquiry 59 (2021), 867-879
  6. Low-powered vs high-powered incentives: Evidence from German electricity networks (with Michael Hellwig and Dominik Schober), International Journal of Industrial Organization 73 (2020), Article 102587
  7. Rational Buyers Search When Prices Increase (with Sonia Gilbukh) Journal of Economic Theory 187 (2020), Article 104998.
  8. What Makes Geeks Tick? A Study of Stack Overflow Careers (with Lei Xu and Tingting Nian), Management Science 66 (2020), 587-604
  9. Movie release strategy: Theory and evidence from international distribution (with Gabriel Natividad), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 29 (2020), 276-288
  10. Incentive Pay and Systemic Risk (with Rui Albuquerque and José Guedes), Review of Financial Studies 32 (2019), 4304-4342
  11. Some Economics of the Movie Industry, Japanese Economic Review 70 (2019), 298-307
  12. Alliance Formation and Firm Value (with Gonçalo Pacheco-de-Almeida), Management Science 65 (2019), 879-895
  13. Towards a Theory of Platform Dynamics, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 28 (2019), 60-72
  14. Sequential Auctions and Auction Revenue (with David Salant), Economics Letters 176 (2019), 1-4
  15. Competitors, Complementors, Parents and Places: Explaining Regional Agglomeration in the U.S. Auto Industry (with Zhu Wang and Daniel Xu), Review of Economic Dynamics 30 (2018), 1-29
  16. We're Number 1: Price Wars for Market Share Leadership, Management Science 64 (2018), 2013-2030
  17. Competition Policy in the Global Era, New Zealand Economic Papers 51 (2017), 100-108
  18. Media Exposure and Corporate Reputation, Research in Economics 70 (2016), 735-740
  19. Box-Office Demand: The Importance of Being #1 (with Gabriel Natividad), Journal of Industrial Economics 64 (2016), 277-294
  20. Living Up To Expectations: Corporate Reputation and Persistence of Firm Performance, Strategy Science 1 (2016), 1-10
  21. Dynamic Pricing in Customer Markets with Switching Costs, Review of Economic Dynamics 20 (2016), 43-62
  22. Cross-selling in the US Home Video Industry (with Gabriel Natividad), Rand Journal of Economics 47 (2016), 29-47
  23. A Dollar for Your Thoughts: Feedback-Conditional Rebates on eBay (with Lingfang (Ivy) Li), Management Science 61 (2015), 2052-2063
  24. Good Turnover and Bad Turnover: Barriers to Business and Productivity, Economics Letters 125 (2014) 179-181 Proofs
  25. Evolving Technologies and Standards Regulation (with David Salant), International Journal of Industrial Organization 36 (2014) 48-56
  26. Aftermarket Power and Foremarket Competition, International Journal of Industrial Organization 35 (2014) 60-69
  27. Intrinsic and Instrumental Reciprocity: An Experimental Study (with Erkut Ozbay and Andrew Schotter), Games and Economic Behavior 87 (2014) 100-121
  28. Divesting Ownership in a Rival (with Duarte Brito and Helder Vasconcelos), International Journal of Industrial Organization 34 (2014) 9-24
  29. Lock in and switch: Asymmetric information and new product diffusion, Quantitative Marketing and Economics 10 (2012), 375-392
  30. Technology Uncertainty, Sunk Costs, and Industry Shakeout, Industrial and Corporate Change 21 (2012) 539-552 (lead article)
  31. Oligopoly Dyanamics, International Journal of Industrial Organization 30 (2012) 278-282
  32. Business as Usual: A Consumer Search Theory of Sticky Prices and Asymmetric Price Adjustment (with Arthur Fishman), International Journal of Industrial Organization 30 (2012) 371-376.
  33. Vertical Integration and Right of First Refusal (with Helder Vasconcelos), Economics Letters 113 (2011) 50-53.
  34. Dynamic Price Competition with Network Effects, Review of Economic Studies 78 (2011) 83-111. Appendix
  35. The Dynamics of Seller Reputation: Evidence from eBay (with Ali Hortaçsu) Journal of Industrial Economics 58 (2010), 54-78. Appendix
  36. Umbrella Branding with Imperfect Observability and Moral Hazard, International Journal of Industrial Organization 27 (2009), 206-213.
  37. Technology Adoption With Multiple Alternative Designs and the Option to Wait (with Cristian Dezso), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 17 (2008), 413-441.
  38. Are Sunk Costs a Barrier to Entry? (with Thomas Ross), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 17 (2008), 97-112.
  39. Go for Broke or Play it Safe? Dynamic Competition with Choice of Variance (with Axel Anderson), Rand Journal of Economics 38 (2007), 593-609.
  40. An Equilibrium Approach to International Merger Policy, International Journal of Industrial Organization 23 (2005), 739-751.
  41. Bertrand Supertraps (with J Miguel Villas-Boas), Management Science 51 (2005), 599-613.
  42. Simultaneous Entry and Welfare, European Economic Review 48 (2004), 943-957. [Note: a previous version of this paper was circulated as "Entry Mistakes"]
  43. On the Evolution of the Firm Size Distribution: Facts and Theory (with José Mata), American Economic Review 93 (2003), 1075-1090.
  44. Horizontal Mergers With Free Entry: Why Cost Efficiencies May Be a Weak Defense and Asset Sales a Poor Remedy, International Journal of Industrial Organization 21 (2003), 607-623.
  45. R&D Competition When Firms Choose Variance, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 12 (2003), 139-150.
  46. Increasing Dominance With No Efficiency Effect, Journal of Economic Theory 102 (2002), 471-479.
  47. Stretching Firm and Brand Reputation, Rand Journal of Economics 31 (2000), 658-673.
  48. R and D Cooperation and Product Market Competition, International Journal of Industrial Organization 18 (2000), 1033-1047.
  49. Competing For Foreign Direct Investment (with Pedro Barros), Review of International Economics 8 (2000), 360-371.
  50. Meaningful Cheap Talk Must Improve Equilibrium Payoffs (with Lanny Arvan and Vasco Santos), Mathematical Social Sciences 37 (1999), 97-106.
  51. Monopoly Pricing with Network Externalities (with David Salant and Glenn Woroch), International Journal of Industrial Organization 17 (1999), 199-214.
  52. Exchange Rates and Market Shares (with Antonio S. Mello), Economics Letters 55 (1997), 61-67. Erratum, 57 (1997), 127-128.
  53. The Learning Curve, Predation, Antitrust, and Welfare (with Michael Riordan), Journal of Industrial Economics 45 (1997), 155-169.
  54. Conjectural Variations as a Reduced Form, Economics Letters 49 (1995), 397-402.
  55. Must Sell (with Jozsef Sakovics), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 4 (1995), 55-68.
  56. Sunk Costs, Firm Size and Firm Growth, Journal of Industrial Economics 43 (1995), 161-172. 
  57. Merger Policy in Open Economies (with Pedro P. Barros), European Economic Review 38 (1994), 1041-1055.
  58. The Learning Curve, Market Dominance, and Predatory Pricing (with Michael H. Riordan), Econometrica 62 (1994), 1115-1140.
  59. Bias in Market R and D Portfolios, International Journal of Industrial Organization 12 (1994), 533-547.
  60. Experience Advantages and Entry Dynamics, Journal of Economic Theory 59 (1993), 403-416.
  61. Optimal Matching Auctions, Economics Letters 37 (1991), 7-9.
  62. Switching Costs and Bidding Parity in Government Procurement of Mainframe Computers (with Shane Greenstein), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 6 (1990), 453-469.
  63. On the Adoption of Innovations with `Network' Externalities, Mathematical Social Sciences 19 (1990), 299-308.
  64. Optimal Pricing of the Portuguese Telephone Service, Applied Economics 22 (1990), 211-220.
  65. Incentives for Cost Reduction Under Price Cap Regulation (with Michael H. Riordan), Journal of Regulatory Economics 1 (1989), 93-102. 
  66. Asymmetric Equilibria in Symmetric Games with Many Players, Economics Letters 27 (1988), 205-208.

Books and book chapters

  1. Reputation on the Internet, in M. Peitz and J. Waldfogel (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy, Oxford, UK: OUP, 2012, 343-354.
  2. Standards Battles and Public Policy (with Tobias Kretschmer), in S. Greenstein and V. Stango (Eds), Standards and Public Policy, Cambridge, UK: CUP, 2007, 329-344.
  3. Equilibrium, Epidemic and Catastrophe: Diffusion of Innovations With Network Effects, in C. Antonelli, B. Hall, D. Foray and E. Steinmueller (Eds), New Frontiers in the Economics of Innovation and New Technology: Essays in Honor of Paul David, London, UK: Edward Elgar, 2006, 427-437.
  4. Introduction to Industrial Organization, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000.  Translated into Chinese and Italian (2002), Russian and Greek (2004).
  5. Economia Industrial (an undergraduate textbook on Industrial Organization), Lisbon: McGraw-Hill, 1994 (Portuguese edition).  Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 1997 (Spanish edition).
  6. An Empirical Analysis of Bank Branching: Portugal 1989-1991 (with W. Robert Majure), in D. Neven and L.-H. Roller (Eds), The Empirical Analysis of Industrial Organization (Report of a conference organized by the WZB, Berlin), London: CEPR, 1994.
  7. Network Consumption Externalities: The Case of Portuguese Telex Service (with António Leite), in C. Antonelli (Ed.), The Economics of Information Networks, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1992, 129-139.
  8. Foreign Entry and Domestic Welfare (with Pedro P. Barros), in J. F. Amaral, D. Lucena, A. S. Mello (Eds.), The Portuguese Economy Towards 1992, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, 101-116.

Other publications (invited and/or not refereed)

  1. Introduction to Special Issue on Industrial Organization (with Reiko Aoki), Japanese Economic Review 70 (2019), 279-279.
  2. Introduction to Special Issue on Platforms (with Martin Peitz and Julian Wright), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 28 (2019), 3-4.
  3. Are Economics Laws Compatible with Free Will, in Suarez and Adams (Eds), Is Science Compatible with Free Will, Springer, Chapter 15, 225-232.
  4. Comment on Spulber's `How Entrepreneurs Affect the Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity', in Lerner and Stern (Eds), The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity Revisited, NBER, 2012.
  5. Introduction to Special Issue, International Journal of Industrial Organization 28 (2010), 335-335.
  6. Small Switching Costs Lead to Lower Prices, Journal of Marketing Research 46 (2009), 449-451.
  7. Predatory Pricing, in William A. Darity, Jr. (Ed), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd ed., Vol. 6, Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008, p428-429.
  8. Barriers to Entry, in Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume (Eds), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
  9. Market Power and Efficiency in Card Payment Systems: A Comment on Rochet and Tirole Review of Network Economics 5 (2006), 15 - 25.
  10. Small Firms in Portugal: A Selective Survey of Stylized Facts, Economic Analysis, and Policy Implications, Portuguese Economic Journal 6 (2007), 65-88.
  11. Collusion Theory: Where to Go Next?, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 5 (2005), 199-206.
  12. International Merger Policy Coordination, Japan and The World Economy 15 (2003), 21-30.
  13. Review of R. Hardin's Trust and Trustworthiness, Journal of Economic Literature 41 (2003), 953-954.
  14. The California Electricity Crisis, Japan and the World Economy 14 (2002), 335-339.
  15. Comments on Clemons, Hitt, Gu, Thatcher, and Weber, Journal of Financial Services Research 22 (2002), 91-93.
  16. Comments on D. Sull and C. Markides, "easyJet's $500 Million Gamble," European Management Journal 17 (1999), 20-38.

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